Mayport Testimonial - More
“A year after we installed SeaTouch™ the bad economy hit. Sales were down almost 30 percent, but remarkably, we had record profits. Thanks SeaTouch.”
Atillio Cerqueira,
Mayport C&C Fisheries
Jacksonville, Florida
"Selecting SeaTouch to run our business is one of the best decisions we ever made. It paid for itself in 4 months. "
"Our sales are down 30 percent from last year, but incredibly, our profits are up. This is all due to SeaTouch. We are more profitable in this down economy than we have ever been. I don’t even want to imagine where we would be without it."
"My favorite feature is the touch screen gross profit drill down. We now have the ability to do a gross profit drill down for the entire day, for each route, for each customer, for each order, and each item, down to the actual order line, all on the touch screen. We can see this information for current, future, and past days. We can also see this information broken out by month and by year with trend analysis with month to month and year to year, all through the touch screen. Different gross profit ranges are displayed in different colors so you will never miss a low or no profit item."
"Before we selected SeaTouch, we demo'd all the other seafood software products you are familiar with. Selecting SeaTouch was a simple decision. It was the clear winner of the demos and we received extremely positive reviews from current users. It is easy to use and screens are well laid out and intuitive. We realize now it does so much more than we imagined. We had two intensive all day demos prior to the purchase of our SeaTouch system. Even after that we had not seen all its features."
"We now run a paperless warehouse and paperless production. Changes to orders already in production are instantly available to the production department which allows our sales people to stay at their desks and sell. The production touch screens are refreshed with all order changes every minute. So as orders are entered, the information is immediately available to production. The new information automatically appears on the screens. Production is smoother and our trucks are out sooner. Our customer service is streamlined and more responsive. Our customers are happier and our employees are happier. "
"SeaTouch has paid for itself many times over and we have only been running on it since May, 2008."
June, 2010
Atillio Cerqueira
Mayport C&C Fisheries
Jacksonville, Florida